Test 1
Twig 3 Certification Exam
Instructions: Choose the correct answer(s) for each question. You have 60 minutes to complete this exam. Some questions may have multiple correct answers.
Topic 1: Basic Concepts
1. What is the correct syntax to print a variable in Twig?
a) { variable }
b) {{ variable }}
c) {% variable %}
d) {# variable #}
2. How do you escape output to prevent XSS attacks in Twig?
a) {{ variable|escape }}
b) {{ variable|e }}
c) {{ variable|safe }}
d) {{ variable|xss }}
3. Which of the following comments is correctly written in Twig?
a) {* This is a comment *}
b) {% This is a comment %}
c) {# This is a comment #}
d) <!-- This is a comment -->
4. What is the output of {{ "Hello <b>World</b>"|escape }}
a) Hello <b>World</b>
b) Hello <b>World</b>
c) Hello &lt;b&gt;World&lt;/b&gt;
d) Hello <b>World</b>
5. What does the following Twig code do? {{ variable|default('default value') }}
a) Sets variable
to 'default value'
b) Prints 'default value' if variable
is not defined or empty
c) Raises an error if variable
is not defined
d) Applies a default filter to variable
Topic 2: Filters
6. How do you apply a filter to convert a variable to uppercase in Twig?
a) {{ variable|uppercase }}
b) {{ variable|upper }}
c) {{ variable|toUpper }}
d) {{ variable|capitalize }}
7. How do you format a date in Twig?
a) {{ date|date('Y-m-d') }}
b) {{ date|format('Y-m-d') }}
c) {{ date|strftime('Y-m-d') }}
d) {{ date|datetime('Y-m-d') }}
8. How do you chain multiple filters in Twig?
a) {{ variable|filter1|filter2 }}
b) {{ variable|(filter1, filter2) }}
c) {{ variable|filter1(filter2) }}
d) {{ variable|filter1.filter2 }}
9. Which filter would you use to join an array into a string in Twig?
a) {{ array|join(', ') }}
b) {{ array|concat(', ') }}
c) {{ array|implode(', ') }}
d) {{ array|merge(', ') }}
10. What is the alternative syntax for applying the upper
filter to a variable in Twig?
a) {{ upper(variable) }}
b) {{ variable|uppercase }}
c) {% filter upper %}{{ variable }}{% endfilter %}
d) {% apply upper %}{{ variable }}{% endapply %}
Topic 3: Tests
11. How do you check if a variable is defined in Twig?
a) {% if variable is defined %}
b) {% if variable is not empty %}
c) {% if variable exists %}
d) {% if variable is set %}
12. Which of the following tests if a variable is empty in Twig?
a) {% if variable is null %}
b) {% if variable is empty %}
c) {% if variable is none %}
d) {% if variable is blank %}
13. How do you combine tests to check if a variable is defined and not empty in Twig?
a) {% if variable is defined and variable is not empty %}
b) {% if variable exists and variable is not empty %}
c) {% if variable is defined and not empty %}
d) {% if variable exists and not empty %}
14. How do you test if a string contains a specific substring in Twig?
a) {% if "substring" in string %}
b) {% if string contains "substring" %}
c) {% if string has "substring" %}
d) {% if string includes "substring" %}
15. Which of the following tests if an array is iterable in Twig?
a) {% if array is iterable %}
b) {% if array is array %}
c) {% if array is traversable %}
d) {% if array is list %}
Topic 4: Control Structures
16. What is the correct structure for a for
loop in Twig?
a) {% foreach item in items %}
b) {% while item in items %}
c) {% loop item in items %}
d) {% for item in items %}
17. Which of the following statements correctly create an if
condition in Twig?
a) {% if condition %} ... {% endif %}
b) {% if condition then %} ... {% end %}
c) {% if (condition) %} ... {% endif %}
d) {% if (condition) then %} ... {% endif %}
18. How do you write an else if
condition in Twig?
a) {% else if condition %}
b) {% elseif condition %}
c) {% elif condition %}
d) {% ifelse condition %}
19. What is the correct way to use a for
loop with an index in Twig?
a) {% for item in items with index %}
b) {% for item, index in items %}
c) {% for index, item in items %}
d) {% for item in items, index %}
20. How do you combine a for
loop and an if
condition in Twig?
a) {% for item in items if condition %}
b) {% for item in items %} {% if condition %}
c) {% if condition %} {% for item in items %}
d) {% for item in items %} {% if condition %} ... {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Topic 5: Variables and Expressions
21. How do you define a variable in Twig?
a) {% set variable = value %}
b) {% define variable = value %}
c) {% var variable = value %}
d) {% let variable = value %}
22. How do you access an element of an array in Twig?
a) {{ array.element }}
b) {{ array[element] }}
c) {{ array->element }}
d) {{ array:element }}
23. How do you access a property of an object in Twig?
a) {{ object.property }}
b) {{ object[property] }}
c) {{ object->property }}
d) {{ object:property }}
24. Which of the following is the correct syntax to increment a variable in Twig?
a) {% set variable = variable + 1 %}
b) {% increment variable %}
c) {% variable++ %}
d) {% var variable = variable + 1 %}
25. How do you use a ternary operator in Twig?
a) {{ condition ? 'true value' : 'false value' }}
b) {{ condition ? 'true value' else 'false value' }}
c) {% if condition ? 'true value' : 'false value' %}
d) {% condition ? 'true value' : 'false value' %}
Topic 6: Functions
26. Which function is used to cycle through values in Twig?
a) {{ cycle(['odd', 'even'], loop.index) }}
b) {{ loop(['odd', 'even'], index) }}
c) {{ iterate(['odd', 'even'], loop.index) }}
d) {{ rotate(['odd', 'even'], loop.index) }}
27. How do you include another template in Twig?
a) {% include 'template.html.twig' %}
b) {% import 'template.html.twig' %}
c) {% embed 'template.html.twig' %}
d) {% extend 'template.html.twig' %}
28. Which function is used to dump information about a variable for debugging purposes in Twig?
a) {{ dump(variable) }}
b) {{ var_dump(variable) }}
c) {{ debug(variable) }}
d) {{ print_r(variable) }}
29. How do you create a range of numbers in Twig?
a) `{{ range(1, 10)
{{ 1..10 }}c)
{{ 1 to 10 }}d)
{{ sequence(1, 10) }}`
30. Which function is used to get the length of an array or string in Twig?
a) {{ length(variable) }}
b) {{ count(variable) }}
c) {{ size(variable) }}
d) {{ variable.length }}
Topic 7: Operators
31. What is the correct way to compare if two variables are equal in Twig?
a) {% if variable1 == variable2 %}
b) {% if variable1 === variable2 %}
c) {% if variable1 eq variable2 %}
d) {% if variable1 equal variable2 %}
32. Which of the following are logical operators in Twig?
a) and
b) &&
c) or
d) ||
33. How do you perform a modulo operation in Twig?
a) {% set result = variable % 2 %}
b) {% set result = variable mod 2 %}
c) {% set result = variable % 2 %}
d) {% set result = variable % 2 %}
34. Which of the following operators can be used to concatenate strings in Twig?
a) ~
b) +
c) &
d) .
35. How do you negate a condition in Twig?
a) {% if not condition %}
b) {% if !condition %}
c) {% if ~condition %}
d) {% if -condition %}
Topic 8: Template Re-use
36. What is the correct way to extend a template in Twig?
a) {% extend 'base.html.twig' %}
b) {% include 'base.html.twig' %}
c) {% inherit 'base.html.twig' %}
d) {% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
37. How do you define a block in a Twig template?
a) {% block blockname %}...{% endblock %}
b) {% section blockname %}...{% endsection %}
c) {% define blockname %}...{% enddefine %}
d) {% part blockname %}...{% endpart %}
38. Which of the following is the correct syntax to embed a template within another template in Twig?
a) {% include 'template.html.twig' %}
b) {% import 'template.html.twig' %}
c) {% embed 'template.html.twig' %}
d) {% extend 'template.html.twig' %}
39. How do you include a template fragment in Twig?
a) {% include 'fragment.html.twig' %}
b) {% import 'fragment.html.twig' %}
c) {% embed 'fragment.html.twig' %}
d) {% extend 'fragment.html.twig' %}
40. How do you use multi-level inheritance in Twig?
a) {% extends 'grandparent.html.twig' %}
in parent and {% extends 'parent.html.twig' %}
in child
b) {% include 'grandparent.html.twig' %}
in parent and {% include 'parent.html.twig' %}
in child
c) {% inherit 'grandparent.html.twig' %}
in parent and {% inherit 'parent.html.twig' %}
in child
d) {% embed 'grandparent.html.twig' %}
in parent and {% embed 'parent.html.twig' %}
in child
41. Which of the following can be used to include a template fragment with a context?
a) {% include 'fragment.html.twig' with { 'var': value } %}
b) {% import 'fragment.html.twig' with { 'var': value } %}
c) {% embed 'fragment.html.twig' with { 'var': value } %}
d) {% extend 'fragment.html.twig' with { 'var': value } %}
42. What is the purpose of the {% parent %}
tag in Twig?
a) To refer to the parent block in a child template
b) To extend the parent template
c) To include the parent template
d) To import the parent template
43. How do you use super()
to refer to the parent block content in Twig?
a) {{ super() }}
b) {% super() %}
c) {{ parent() }}
d) {% parent() %}
44. How do you prevent a block from being overridden in child templates in Twig?
a) {% block blockname final %}...{% endblock %}
b) {% block blockname readonly %}...{% endblock %}
c) {% block blockname %}...{% endblock %}
with {% parent() %}
in the block
d) {% block blockname %}...{% endblock %}
with {% final %}
inside the block
45. Which of the following statements correctly define a block in a parent template and override it in a child template?
a) {% block blockname %}...{% endblock %}
in parent and {% block blockname %}...{% endblock %}
in child
b) {% block blockname %}...{% endblock %}
in parent and {% override blockname %}...{% endoverride %}
in child
c) {% section blockname %}...{% endsection %}
in parent and {% section blockname %}...{% endsection %}
in child
d) {% define blockname %}...{% enddefine %}
in parent and {% define blockname %}...{% enddefine %}
in child
Key Answers
Answers for the Twig 3 Certification Exam
1. b) {{ variable }}
2. a) {{ variable|escape }}
and b) {{ variable|e }}
3. c) {# This is a comment #}
4. b) Hello <b>World</b>
5. b) Prints 'default value' if variable
is not defined or empty
6. b) {{ variable|upper }}
7. a) {{ date|date('Y-m-d') }}
8. a) {{ variable|filter1|filter2 }}
9. a) {{ array|join(', ') }}
10. c) {% filter upper %}{{ variable }}{% endfilter %}
11. a) {% if variable is defined %}
12. b) {% if variable is empty %}
13. a) {% if variable is defined and variable is not empty %}
14. a) {% if "substring" in string %}
15. a) {% if array is iterable %}
16. d) {% for item in items %}
17. a) {% if condition %} ... {% endif %}
18. b) {% elseif condition %}
19. c) {% for index, item in items %}
20. d) {% for item in items %} {% if condition %} ... {% endif %} {% endfor %}
21. a) {% set variable = value %}
22. b) {{ array[element] }}
23. a) {{ object.property }}
24. a) {% set variable = variable + 1 %}
25. a) {{ condition ? 'true value' : 'false value' }}
26. a) {{ cycle(['odd', 'even'], loop.index) }}
27. a) {% include 'template.html.twig' %}
28. a) {{ dump(variable) }}
29. a) {{ range(1, 10) }}
30. a) {{ length(variable) }}
31. a) {% if variable1 == variable2 %}
32. a) and
and c) or
33. b) {% set result = variable mod 2 %}
34. a) ~
35. a) {% if not condition %}
36. d) {% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
37. a) {% block blockname %}...{% endblock %}
38. c) {% embed 'template.html.twig' %}
39. a) {% include 'fragment.html.twig' %}
40. a) {% extends 'grandparent.html.twig' %}
in parent and {% extends 'parent.html.twig' %}
in child
41. a) {% include 'fragment.html.twig' with { 'var': value } %}
42. a) To refer to the parent block in a child template
43. a) {{ super() }}
44. a) {% block blockname final %}...{% endblock %}
45. a) {% block blockname %}...{% endblock %}
in parent and {% block blockname %}...{% endblock %}
in child