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Twig 3 Certification Test 9


This test consists of 45 new questions about Twig 3. It covers various topics and has a time limit of 60 minutes. Choose the best answer for each question.


Basic Concepts

  1. What is the main purpose of Twig as a template engine?

    • A) To manage databases
    • B) To render HTML templates with dynamic content
    • C) To handle HTTP requests
    • D) To create web applications
  2. Which of the following is the correct syntax to define a variable in Twig?

    • A) {% set variable = value %}
    • B) {{ variable = value }}
    • C) << variable = value >>
    • D) variable = value;
  3. What is the purpose of the |striptags filter?

    • A) To remove all HTML tags from a string
    • B) To escape HTML characters
    • C) To format a string as HTML
    • D) To convert a string to uppercase


  1. Which filter would you use to format a date in Twig?

    • A) format_date
    • B) date
    • C) date_format
    • D) format
  2. What does the |replace filter do?

    • A) Replaces all occurrences of a substring with another string
    • B) Replaces the first occurrence of a substring
    • C) Replaces a string with a number
    • D) None of the above
  3. How do you apply multiple filters to a variable using the pipe syntax?

    • A) {{ variable|filter1|filter2|filter3 }}
    • B) {{ filter1(filter2(filter3(variable))) }}
    • C) {{ variable|filter1(filter2(filter3)) }}
    • D) All of the above


  1. What test can be used to check if a variable is a string?

    • A) is_string
    • B) string
    • C) is iterable
    • D) is defined
  2. How do you combine multiple tests in a single condition?

    • A) Using && and ||
    • B) Using and and or
    • C) Using & and |
    • D) All of the above

Control Structures

  1. What is the correct syntax for a for loop that iterates over an array in Twig?

    • A) {% for item in array %}
    • B) {% loop item in array %}
    • C) {% each item in array %}
    • D) None of the above
  2. How do you create a nested loop in Twig?

    • A) {% for item in items %}{% for subitem in subitems %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}
    • B) {% loop item in items %}{% loop subitem in subitems %}{% endloop %}{% endloop %}
    • C) {% each item in items %}{% each subitem in subitems %}{% endeach %}{% endeach %}
    • D) None of the above.

Variables and Expressions

  1. What is the output of {{ variable is defined ? 'Yes' : 'No' }} if variable is not defined?

    • A) Yes
    • B) No
    • C) Error
    • D) null
  2. How do you access a property of an object in Twig?

    • A) {{ }}
    • B) {{ object->property }}
    • C) {{ object[property] }}
    • D) Both A and C


  1. Which function is used to get the current date in Twig?

    • A) current_date()
    • B) date()
    • C) now()
    • D) today()
  2. What is the purpose of the dump function in Twig?

    • A) To output a variable's value for debugging
    • B) To clear the output buffer
    • C) To format a string
    • D) To include a template


  1. What does the not operator do in Twig?

    • A) Negates a boolean value
    • B) Checks if a variable is not defined
    • C) Both A and B
    • D) None of the above
  2. Which of the following is a valid comparison operator in Twig?

    • A) =
    • B) ==
    • C) ===
    • D) All of the above

Template Re-use

  1. What is the purpose of the extends tag in Twig?

    • A) To include a template
    • B) To define a base template
    • C) To create a macro
    • D) To define a block
  2. How do you embed a template in another template in Twig?

    • A) {% include 'template.twig' %}
    • B) {% embed 'template.twig' %}
    • C) {% import 'template.twig' %}
    • D) {% extend 'template.twig' %}

Mixed Questions

  1. What is the output of {{ 'Hello World'|striptags }} if the input is <b>Hello</b> World?

    • A) Hello World
    • B) <b>Hello</b> World
    • C) Hello
    • D) Error
  2. How do you create a conditional statement that checks if a variable is an array using the is operator?

    • A) {% if variable is iterable %}
    • B) {% if variable is array %}
    • C) {% if variable is defined and variable is not null %}
    • D) All of the above
  3. Which of the following is a valid way to define a macro with arguments in Twig?

    • A) {% macro name(arg1, arg2) %}
    • B) {% define macro name(arg1, arg2) %}
    • C) {% function name(arg1, arg2) %}
    • D) {% template name(arg1, arg2) %}
  4. What does the |date filter do with the 'Y-m-d' format?

    • A) Formats a date string in the YYYY-MM-DD format
    • B) Converts a string to a date object
    • C) Returns the current date in the YYYY-MM-DD format
    • D) None of the above
  5. How do you create a loop that iterates over a range of numbers in Twig?

    • A) {% for i in 1..10 %}
    • B) {% for i from 1 to 10 %}
    • C) Both A and B
    • D) None of the above
  6. What is the purpose of the |join filter in Twig?

    • A) To join two strings
    • B) To join an array into a string
    • C) To join two arrays
    • D) To join two hashes
  7. What does the |slice filter do with one argument?

    • A) Extracts a substring from a specific starting index
    • B) Returns a portion of an array starting from a specific index
    • C) Both A and B
    • D) None of the above

Advanced Questions

  1. How do you check if a string matches a regular expression using the matches test in Twig?

    • A) {% if 'string' matches '/pattern/' %}
    • B) {% if 'string' matches 'pattern' %}
    • C) {% if 'string' matches ['pattern'] %}
    • D) {% if 'string' matches '/pattern/' ignorecase %}
  2. What is the output of {{ [1, 2, 3]|reverse }}?

    • A) [1, 2, 3]
    • B) [3, 2, 1]
    • C) 1, 2, 3
    • D) 3, 2, 1
  3. Which of the following is a valid way to create a nested block in Twig?

    • A) {% block outer %}{% block inner %}{% endblock %}{% endblock %}
    • B) {% block outer %}{% endblock inner %}
    • C) {% block outer %}{% block inner %}{% endblock inner %}{% endblock outer %}
    • D) {% block outer %}{% block inner %}{% endblock outer %}{% endblock inner %}
  4. How do you create a custom filter in Twig using the alternative syntax?

    • A) {{ 'string'|myfilter }}
    • B) {{ myfilter('string') }}
    • C) {{ 'string'|myfilter('arg') }}
    • D) Both A and C
  5. What is the purpose of the |default filter?

    • A) To provide a default value if a variable is undefined
    • B) To format a date
    • C) To convert a string to lowercase
    • D) To escape HTML
  6. What is the output of {{ 'Twig'|length }}?

    • A) 4
    • B) 3
    • C) 5
    • D) Error
  7. How do you create a loop that iterates over a hash and preserves the keys using the keys keyword?

    • A) {% for key, value in hash %}
    • B) {% for value in hash %}
    • C) {% for key => value in hash %}
    • D) {% for key, value in hash with keys %}
  8. What does the |merge filter do with arrays?

    • A) Merges two arrays into a single array
    • B) Merges two hashes into a single hash
    • C) Merges two strings into a single string
    • D) None of the above
  9. What is the purpose of the |reverse filter?

    • A) To reverse a string
    • B) To reverse an array
    • C) To reverse a hash
    • D) All of the above
  10. How do you create a loop that iterates over a hash and preserves the keys as variables using the keys keyword?

    • A) {% for key, value in hash %}
    • B) {% for value in hash %}
    • C) {% for key => value in hash %}
    • D) {% for key, value in hash with keys %}
  11. What is the output of {{ 'Hello World'|slice(6, 5) }}?

    • A) Hello
    • B) World
    • C) Hello World
    • D) Error
  12. How do you create a conditional statement that checks if a variable is a number using the is operator?

    • A) {% if variable is number %}
    • B) {% if variable is defined and variable is not null %}
    • C) {% if variable is iterable %}
    • D) {% if variable is divisible by(1) %}
  13. What is the purpose of the |batch filter?

    • A) Batches an array into smaller arrays
    • B) Batches a hash into smaller hashes
    • C) Batches a string into smaller strings
    • D) Batches a number into smaller numbers
  14. How do you create a loop that iterates over an array in reverse order using the |reverse filter?

    • A) {% for item in array|reverse %}
    • B) {% for item in reverse(array) %}
    • C) {% for item in array|sort('desc') %}
    • D) Both A and B
  15. What does the |abs filter do?

    • A) Returns the absolute value of a number
    • B) Formats a date
    • C) Formats a number
    • D) Formats a boolean
  16. What is the output of {{ 10 / 3 }}?

    • A) 3
    • B) 3.33
    • C) 3.3333333333
    • D) Error
  17. What is the purpose of the |first filter?

    • A) To get the first element of an array
    • B) To get the first character of a string
    • C) To get the first key of a hash
    • D) All of the above
  18. How do you create a loop that iterates over an array and skips every second element using the |batch filter with a step size?

    • A) {% for item in array|slice(2) %}
    • B) {% for item in array|batch(2, true) %}
    • C) {% for item in array|slice(0, 2) %}
    • D) {% for item in array|slice(1, 2) %}
  19. What is the purpose of the |date filter with the 'U' format?

    • A) Formats a date string in the Unix timestamp format
    • B) Converts a string to a date object
    • C) Returns the current date and time in the Unix timestamp format
    • D) None of the above
  20. What is the output of {{ 'twig'|capitalize }}?

    • A) Twig
    • B) TWIG
    • C) twig
    • D) Error


Basic Concepts

  1. C) To output unescaped HTML
  2. A) {% block name %}
  3. A) To format a string with placeholders


  1. A) upper
  2. D) All of the above
  3. A) {{ variable|filter1|filter2|filter3 }}


  1. C) is iterable
  2. A) {{ variable is defined and variable is not null }}

Control Structures

  1. A) {% for key, value in hash %}
  2. D) All of the above

Variables and Expressions

  1. B) Yes
  2. D) All of the above


  1. B) now()
  2. A) To output a variable's value for debugging


  1. A) Checks if a string starts with a specific substring
  2. D) All of the above

Template Re-use

  1. B) To define a base template
  2. C) {% import 'template.twig' as macros %}

Mixed Questions

  1. B) Hi Twig
  2. D) All of the above
  3. A) {% macro name(arg1, arg2) %}
  4. A) Formats a date string
  5. D) All of the above
  6. B) To join an array into a string
  7. C) Both A and B

Advanced Questions

  1. A) {% if 'string' matches '/pattern/' %}
  2. B) [3, 2, 1]
  3. A) {% block outer %}{% block inner %}{% endblock %}{% endblock %}
  4. D) Both A and C
  5. A) To provide a default value if a variable is undefined
  6. A) 4
  7. A) {% for key, value in hash %}
  8. A) Merges two arrays into a single array
  9. B) To reverse an array
  10. A) {% for key, value in hash %}
  11. B) World
  12. A) {% if variable is number %}
  13. A) Batches an array into smaller arrays
  14. A) {% for item in array|reverse %}
  15. A) Returns the absolute value of a number
  16. C) 3.3333333333
  17. D) All of the above
  18. B) {% for item in array|batch(2, true) %}
  19. A) Formats a date string in the Unix timestamp format
  20. A) Twig

Feel free to review your answers and see how well you understand Twig 3!

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]